Beauty Products: An Essence to Your Inner Self

Beauty brings happiness around. God has created the smallest of life to their utmost beauty. The definition of beauty is different for different individuals; so aptly said beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Being beautiful is how you feel inside of yourself. Your nails, skin, and hair tell a lot about your health. They create an impact on you on others. The way you look, talk and carry yourself shows the zeal you are having inside of you. But sometimes the age, the growing stress, lack of sleep take a toll on your skin and hair. Here the beauty products come to your rescue. They can defy gravity and make your wrinkled skin rejuvenated. The essence of beauty products lies in the ingredients it has. Those ingredients are scientifically tested to suit the requirement of your skin or hair. The more essence beauty products have of natural ailments, the more beneficial and long-lasting they are.

 Let's talk about cosmetics:

Cosmetics are the study of methods and ways to enhance the physical appearance of a man. There are two branches of cosmetics - beautifying and medical.

Beautifying cosmetics or makeup conceal certain defects or enhance some facial features. They include powder, foundation, lipstick, eyeliner, eye shadow, nail paint, hair spray, color, conditioner, and the list is never-ending. The essence beauty products in New York City are provided by various players in the market like Space NK, Aedes perfumery, and Aesop.

Medical cosmetics are the study of methods for treating diseases and defects in skin, hair, nail, and oral cavity. This branch is divided into preservative, surgical and therapeutic cosmetic. Preservative cosmetics prevent aging processes like wrinkles. It uses cleansing agents like soap, cream, lotions, toothpaste, and treatments like a facial mask, massage, steam baths to prevent the aging process. Surgical methods include removal of birthmark, excess fat, deformation of eyes, ears, or nose, and changes in the shape of breasts. Therapeutic cosmetics treat skin conditions of the face and scalp like acne, hair loss, and pigmentation disorders. They help in healing both the nervous and cutaneous systems together.

 The skin-brain connection: Psychodermatology

Our emotions, especially stress, anxiety are responsible for various skin disorders like acne, psoriasis, eczema; we are facing. Healing the skin alone will not help in minimizing the problems. Treating the mind alone will also not help. The issues need to be hit at the root where many emotions are triggering. Here, Psychodermatology comes into the picture. This is a medical specialty where both psychiatry and dermatology merge. Psychiatry looks into the mental condition the person is going through, and dermatology treats external skin diseases. Various mind-body strategies help to overcome skin ailments by reducing the level of stress hormones in the body. A few of them are aromatherapy inhalation, pressure points massage, facial and head massage. The power to heal the person from skin disease lies in the hands. It is the power of touch.

It is not merely touching the person with hands but the most importantly touching with empathy. The touch with a feeling of care, a touch to heal, or we can say a motherly touch may bring wonders. It reduces the stress hormone cortisol and increases oxytocin which is found in motherly love, couple relationships, sexual behavior, and trust.

Pros and Cons of beauty products

There are numerous advantages of essential beauty products. They help in slowing down aging. The antioxidants present in the creams and lotions help in avoiding wrinkles on the skin. They help in reducing skin infections. The cleansers and shampoos help in maintaining hygiene. Hence, save us from various skin and other diseases as well. The moisturizer helps in treating dry skin in winters.

Sunscreens protect from harmful radiations of the sun. Besides all these benefits, beauty products have their psychological advantage. They make the person look appealing and hence boost his confidence. Good looks make the person happy and increase the chances of performing better in life.

The essence of beauty products cannot be underestimated, but its negative impacts cannot be ignored. They cause skin allergies on the skin and impact other organs of the body too. It is because of chemicals like Paraben, formaldehyde, Oxybenzone, and phthalates. The other culprit in beauty products is fragrance and preservatives. Preservatives are toxic to the kidney and liver. Foundation and cream cause various types of cancer. The mental health of a person is also affected by putting makeup on. They experience tiredness and nausea.


In today's world, beauty products have become a necessity for both men and women. They have undoubtedly immense benefits, but one has to take care of their side effects as well. One should check the composition while purchasing the beauty product. Always consult a professional to know which product best suits your skin.


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